Welcome to Total Detox Friend. We are here to help you! We have solid advice on body detoxification, the solutions that cleanse, and a live personal US based personal consultant to talk to and help you customize your solutions based on your size, weight, and what toxins you are looking to remove from your body.


Do you find the world of Total Body Detox cleaning products difficult to navigate? The problem is most companies out there do their best to make cleansing the body of toxins as confusing as possible but it doesn’t have to be. To cleanse the body of toxins is not hard, it just involves some solid advice and solutions to cleanse the body that are built on science, not wishful thinking.

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  • A live person to speak with and answer questions and concerns before you take your total body cleanse. We give you a phone number to call. There are no limits either, so call as often as you need. Once you purchase, we are under contract to help to remove any specialized toxins at your request. We can manipulate the formulas based on the toxins you need to remove. Again, once purchased we can speak freely about the individual toxins you want to remove.
  • An email address to a live person that will respond in 24 hours or less to any questions you may have. We are here to help remove the pressure from you completely.
  • A proven formula that was developed by 3 Forensic Scientists who have worked in Body Detoxification for over 10 years. We were the guys developing the tests and giving the results. We know what it takes to cleanse the body of toxins.
  • A 60 day 100% money back guarantee for any reason you are not satisfied, we will refund your money. We stand behind our products and formulas fully.
  • Also access to one other cleansing formula for cleansing the oral cavity. That’s the top cleansing formulas so you are protected.
Learn How to Cleanse the Body of Toxins
 Learn How to Cleanse the Body of Toxins

Total Detox Friend also points out..

The reason why other companies can’t explain why or how their products help you totally cleanse the body of toxins, is legally they can’t. They just throw a 200% or 300% money back guarantee behind what they are peddling and hope that is enough to give you confidence in it.

What good is the money back guarantee if you doesn’t cleanse your body, or if you need proof, you can’t get your money back anyway? If you are in a real situation please use our service. A probationary period in your life, new beginnings, or just to improve for that job performance, the Total Detox Friend can help. From high paid executives to street smart individuals, we have what it takes to help you through this testing time of detoxification.

  • Detoxifying and cleansing the body and learning how to cleanse the body is not a complicated thing. Most people do need help since everything you need to cleanse the body isn’t lying around your house. People also need realistic and honest help assessing their situation since everyone’s situation is different and one size does not fit all in the world of total body detox.
  • Total Detox Friend differs from everyone else out there in that we keep things very simple.
  • Total Detox Friend has years of experience counseling people through tough times. Whether you must cleanse for pre-employment , a new probationary period in your life or even a random detox cleans “or else” and your job or parenting custody is affected because of poor health then Total Detox Friend can help.
  • So to answer the question “Why us?” we would simply state because Total Detox Friend is not your typical internet order taker. We are here to help you and we care.
  • We are who you should call.

Learn How to Cleanse the Body of Toxins
 Learn How to Cleanse the Body of Toxins


Well TDF!! THE CLEANSE REALLY WORKED!! Your cleansing process removed all the alcohol out of my system!! You should start advertising that for the benefit […]
When I called Total Detox Friend, I got to speak with the owner directly. He was compassionate and very knowledgeable. After discussing why I needed […]
I recently contacted you and purchased the Total Detox Friend package. It worked wonderfully! I was so nervous when I first started the cleansing process, […]